Tuesday 17 April 2007

Snapshots: context is content

In the past months I quite enjoyed when I came across websites that had the Snapshot site preview implemented, that opens a small pop-up window with a miniature preview of the target website, when a user moves the cursor over a link. So when they announced today that they have extended this approach to further contextual concepts such as wikipedia-definitions, stockquotes, movies etc. I decided to give it a go myself.

The setup via the snap.com site the is very simple, well designed user interface. This blog-URL was identified and the instructions automatically provided specifically to a Blogger blog. All that is required is to copy/paste a Java Script code snipped into the HTML header of the blog template. This snippet references a .js file, which then does all the magic.

Conceptually I think it really creates value to the user to be able to preview the destination of any given link, and to decide whether it looks like a worthwhile site to access. The additional snapshot-contexts follow the trend that tabbed-browsing, widgets and other tools set, which is to make the browsing experience ever more integrated. The more relevant information is accessible on-demand in a convenient way in a single place, the more seamless the user-experience will be, the quicker the relevant information will be available and therefore processed.

Cool stuff.

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